3D Printed Mechanical Dice

  • Printed on: Prusa MK4
  • Using Filament: PLA (Black/Yellow)
  • Printed Without Supports
  • Infil: 15%
  • Walls: 2
  • Layer: 0.2 mm
  • Author: StatusSymbol3D (Maker World)

The Mechanical Dice is a pocket watch-shaped mechanical gadget, entirely created using 3D printing. Its sophisticated design captures the timeless aesthetic of a traditional pocket watch, with a round casing adorned with intricate details.

Positioned at the top center is a button that, when pressed, triggers an internal wheel displaying the faces of a typical six-sided die (numbers 1 through 6). The wheel spins while the button is held and halts immediately when released, revealing a random number on the die.

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